Hello bloggers: How are you? today I am going to talk about an website necessary for a person that study forestry in Chile or some person that want learn about chilean flora, the link this website is
Chile flora is a website where you can find almost all the flora of Chile with its features for that you can identify plants in the practical our characteristics of habitat plant this you be useful so as to know how work with the plant that you need. In the website you will find a page where you may see the scientific name, common noun, family, orden and distribution of the plant that you want search in addition you will find the description of plant, What type of plant is?, What is its hight?, what is the color of its flowers?, How is its bark?. Also in the section of habitat you will find the conditions of light and water ncessary for the plant. Finally you will found the uses that have to the plant.
I visit this website with much frequency, all days since I always search plants that like me.
If you want learn about plants you should use this website is perfect for know all about its and Chile flora explain very good it is simple lenguage and precise.
Well I hope that you like it is post, I see you the next week, bye bye.